Budget inventory items are proposals from members of the Board of Supervisors to modify the County’s Recommended Budget, typically to provide funding for one-time grants or sponsorships for community-based organizations.
Organizations interested in funding may apply by filling out the coversheet and submitting to a Board office. Each Board office has their own process to consider funding requests. Additionally, organizations are required to complete Levine Act forms (see below) in order to be considered for funding.
PLEASE NOTE: The contacts and timelines listed below are from last year's budget cycle. The 2025 process will be adopted in the coming months. New information will be posted here once it becomes available.
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Inventory Items Budget Meeting Schedule
Inventory Items are reviewed by the Board of Supervisors as part of the Budget process, as follows:
- April, 2024 – District Offices receive requests for funding. Note that each District Office has its own deadline, as noted below.
- Wednesday, May 15, 2024 – Inventory Items discussed at Budget Workshop.
- Thursday, June 13, 2024 – Funding for Inventory Items approved in the FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget.
- July 1, 2024 – Funds are available for distribution after all required paperwork is submitted to the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Inventory of Budget Proposals
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Contacts and Deadlines by District Office
Each Supervisorial District Office follows its own process in receiving requests and identifying recipients of Inventory Items.
- Supervisor Sylvia Arenas, District 1
Visit the District 1 Budget Inventory Grant page. Deadline for requests is April 12, 2024. - Supervisor Cindy Chavez, District 2
Email [email protected] for information. Deadline for requests is April 17, 2024. - Supervisor Otto Lee, District 3
Visit the District 3 URJGENT Grants page. Deadline for requests is April 10, 2024. - Supervisor Susan Ellenberg, District 4
Email [email protected] for information. Deadline for requests is April 22, 2024. - Supervisor Joe Simitian, District 5
Email [email protected] for information.
Prior Year Inventory Items
Click on the links below for listings of Inventory Items approved in prior Fiscal Years:
Levine Act (Government Code Section 84308) Forms
As part of submitting a request for a Board Inventory Item, organizations will be required to do the following:
- Complete, sign, and submit to the Supervisorial District Office the Levine Act Contractor Form: Identification of Subcontractors and Agents.
- On the form, the organization will need to list any subcontractors (i) that the organization names in the grant/sponsorship proposal or (ii) that they have otherwise identified to the Supervisorial District Office as an entity that the organization has or will subcontract with to help perform substantive work on the project or activities to be funded with the Board grant or sponsorship.
- On the form the organization will also need to list any agents for this grant or sponsorship. Please see the form for the definition of agent under the Levine Act and additional information and directions.
- If the organization has a fiscal sponsor, also have them complete, sign, and submit to the organization a separate Levine Act Contractor Form: Identification of Subcontractors and Agents, which the organization will need to submit to the Supervisorial District Office.
- If any subcontractors are listed on the form, the organization must also ensure the listed subcontractor completes, signs, and submits to the organization the Levine Act Subcontractor Form: Identification of Agents. If the organization has not listed any subcontractors for the grant/sponsorship request, the subcontractor form can be disregarded.
- Organizations are responsible for collecting and returning all completed Levine Act Identification Forms for their Inventory Item requests.
Pursuant to County requirements, Inventory Item requests will not be included on the Board Budget Workshop meeting agenda for the Board’s consideration if the Levine Act Forms are not received in time for agenda publication.
As additional reference, please also note that if an organization has more than one Inventory Item request set to be considered by the Board, separate sets of Levine Act Identification Form(s) must be submitted for each separate Inventory Item request since the Forms are associated with each particular Inventory Item on a Board agenda.
Identifying Supervisorial Districts
Go to "Who is my supervisor" on the homepage and plug in an address to identify the corresponding supervisor.